This is the main practice that relates to my spirituality. In some sense, spirituality and meditation are interchangeable for me.
I detailed my journey with meditation in broad strokes in the MIT graduate student blog. But the story continues.
Meditation is probably the most significant practice that most intelligent people in the world do not understand. I think that the misunderstanding is that they think meditation is some new age stress relief technique. It is not.
What is meditation? I often find it difficult to describe what meditation is. I like the way Sam Harris described meditation as “the art of doing nothing.” Fully understanding what that means takes practice.
My meditation is focused on experiencing consciousness clearly. Some call that mindfulness. This encompasses everything that happens but my more focused interest is in the nature of the self.
What is the self? I think it is nothing. There is no self. And my meditation practice is empirical experimentation of that hypothesis. If I see something, where is the seer? If I think something, where is the thinker? If I feel the breath, where is the breather?
My typical practice is 10-20 min of guided meditation each day with the Waking Up app. I have an interest in going on a silent retreat but have not organized that for myself yet.
“Give up the search.”