I’ve been really enjoying my meditation practice lately. I’ve also found a couple of people in my life who occasionally will practice with me. I still haven’t found anyone who is as interested in exploring the deeper lessons that come from living an examined life.
I suppose there is really just one big one on my mind and that is the intrinsic selflessness of consciousness. And the related implication that if there is no self there is likewise no free will.
It’s very strange for me to have this belief, which I think is true and can be proven so in each moment with careful observation. Nonetheless, I’m alone in this belief. I’ve tried to convince my friends and family and no one buys it.
What makes it even stranger is that somehow people imagine life would be worse if you hold this belief. The opposite is true. So much of what gives me peace and equanimity is that realization that everything arises in consciousness on its own without me having to do anything.
I’ll elaborate this more clearly in my page on meditation but I just wanted to acknowledge now how much meditation is guiding me to be my best self for myself and for others. How it teaches me about gratitude and regret. How it opens my mind to a certain state of being in the world that I want to spend more time in. The one where I am fully alive and present. when I am my true and best self.